Saturday, May 30, 2009


We stayed in Tukwila at the Homestead Jan. 11th, Sunday night. Monday morning at 8am Gator started Chemo treatment #5. It lasted from 8am to 4pm. The oncologist came in to talk with us during the treatment he said to save us a trip to his office the next day. At first he said because the cancer is responding so well to the chemo and Gator is not having any major side effects that he would like to continue on with the treatments. When he first started chemo the doc. Said after 6 treatments we would probably stop for a while to give Gators body a break. Now he wants to keep going because Gator is handling the treatments so well and the chemo is working. Then after talking to the oncologist about Gator wanting to work on getting his voice back he said maybe we SHOULD stop the chemo for a couple of months and concentrate on Gators voice.

Dr. Grim said he was going to talk to Oto (ear,nose, throat doc.) on Wednesday about speeding up the process of getting Gators voice back. We had an appt. scheduled for Thursday with Oto. So on Tuesday our appt. with Dr. Grim was cancelled because we had already seen him.

I made pancakes for breakfast and while I was cooking them the smoke alarm went off about 5 times! The last time I got so frustrated that I tried to throw my coat over the alarm and knocked it off the wall! I plugged it back into the wall totally ignoring the sticker on the alarm that read “Do Not Tamper With Smoke Detector Alarm Will Sound”. Everything seemed fine, we hung out in our room for a couple more hours then went to the mall.

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